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Self-regulating balancing valve


Self-regulating balancing valve

ProductName:Self-regulatingbalancingvalveProductCode: Model:ZLT47F-10Specifications:DN400Price: Nominalpressure:PN1.0MPaPrinciplesandcharacteristics:Theseriesofvalvesbythemanualbalancingvalvegroupandt
Product Name: Self-regulating balancing valve
Product Code:  
Model: ZLT47F-10
Specifications: DN400
Nominal pressure: PN1.0MPa
Principles and
The series of valves by the manual balancing valve group and the self-regulating valve of two parts.In the hand wheel with digital display devices, direct traffic and manually set the opening balance valve to meet the needs of setting up a tune and you can lock, counterclockwise rotation hand wheel, the valve opens.The valve with pressure-driven, automatically adjust the resistance when the pressure is constant, flow rates, can see from the formula: flow G = Kv P2-P3 where: Kv = Flow coefficient of the main valve outlet pressure P2 = throttle inlet pressureP3 = throttle valve outlet pressure when the inlet pressure increases, the medium above the diaphragm pressure feedback, the instantaneous direction of the main valve flap to close the campaign, P2 reduction, P2-P3 resumed the original value, and stability of the original flow, and vice versa. 
Technical parameters:  
Parts Materials: Body, bonnet and stem nut cast iron HT200, valve cover, valve cover core copper alloy HPb5P-1 stem stainless steel 1Cr18Ni9Ti seat 2Cr13 spring copper alloy HPb5P-1, stainless steel PTFE disc 1Cr18Ni9Ti, PTFE
Overall and connection dimensions:  
Description: ZLT47F-based Self-regulation is our factory developed a new product, the product is our factory produce many years of practice balancing valve developed on the basis of the one-time operation of traffic control device.This product is made from the feedback of energy to maintain constant pressure, constant flow rate to achieve the automatic function.They are able to eliminate surplus pipeline pressure head and pressure flow deviation caused by fluctuations in stable operating conditions, so that liquid pipe network hydraulic control system can produce the ideal balance of effects.The product is suitable for heating, hot water heating, high-rise buildings, water, fire water piping system in the traffic control.The product flow control precision of 5%.And up to 15% -30% energy saving effect.

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Shenyang special form butterfly valve factory




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